Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Name: Cho Sachiko

This is You:

WARNING! Contains Adult Material. Rated M for sexual themes, enclosed there is a LEMON or HENTAI; however you prefer to refer it as! You have been warned, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto - Masashi Kishimotodoes if I did I would not be wasting my time writing this. Also No animals were harmed in the making of the writing, and the author has/will NOT receive any monetary gain from this work. This is a work of fiction any resemblance to any person living or dead is by coincidence. No flames PLEASE, if so they will be laughed at and used to bake cookies!! :P (I like Cookies!)

NOTE: (Okies, I still have some explaining to do, this entire long as hell oneshot will all take place in your art studio/shop. Basically you have your front showroom/store, and in the back workshop you have the stairway to your house against the back wall, far to the left, easel, all your paints smocks, everything you need for painting, a futon, where you slept last night instead of hauling your ass up stairs, so instead of it being a couch, it’s a bed, and a small bistro table and two chairs against the far wall. Also, unbeknownst to you, Shikamaru has had a crush on you since he had to escort you here from the Village Hidden in the Waterfall since then, Asuma has attempted to get you and Shikamaru together, saying it would be good for him.)

You smile as you look up from your easel and head out to your front room, the painting you were working on was going to take at least ten minutes to dry, so you had time to goof off. Being an artist in the town of Konoha didn’t pay extremely well, but it paid well enough, after all you now had your own shop and house, what more could you ask for?

As the bells of your shop door ring, you look up to see the boy, well, not a boy, but a man-sorta, Well, the guy who brought you here, the gorgeous but lazy Shikamaru Nara. “Konnichiwa, Cho.” He remarks to your blushing form.

You look down at your impeccably clean counter, failing horribly at hiding the rosy tint to your cheeks. “Asuma-sensei asked me to come and make sure you were…” He looks at the top of your head, “Cho, why are you blushing?”

“W-what are you talking about Shikamaru-san? I’m not blushing,” You lie, your cheeks now, a rose red. “I just have a painting to finish and I’m thinking of how to complete my latest painting for Hokage-sama.”

Finally being able to look up, blush under control, you notice Shikamaru eyeing you suspiciously. “Fine then,” He mutters skeptically, almost as if he’s bored, “let’s get to work on your painting.”

You sigh and motion for you to follow him back into your workshop. You begin to curse yourself for not cleaning this morning, and blush as you realize that your workshop is a mess, not that Shikamaru would mind. As he enters your workshop, he notices the paintings covering the walls, at the easel, to the walls and finally back to you. As if to say ‘Did you do this?’
You nod to him as you grab a fresh brush and your paints, and head to your easel once more. As you begin your second layer of paint you swear that you can hear footsteps coming closer and closer to you. As you continue to paint you begin to feel breathing on your neck and ears. Your own breathing begins to quicken, your crush, is standing right behind you breathing in your ear. You heartbeat races with each breath, as the breathing comes closer and closer to your neck, the syncopated strokes of your brush stop, and you drop the brush; you are now concentrating solely on not moaning.

After what seems a century, Shikamaru’s lips finally descend on you neck, and the moan that has been trapped deep within your throat escapes your lips. As your blush returns Shikamaru smirks and puts his hands of your hips and grabs your belt loops to turn you around so he can finally kiss your lips. Once again you moan, not able to control yourself, and shoves his tongue in your mouth. His tongue begins to trace your teeth, after he gets bored of your teeth he creeps his tongue towards your and slowly begins to caress it.

You arms now move from their stagnant position at your sides and tangle in his hair, ripping out the little string holding it up his pony tail, and you begin to tie knots in his hair. Now you finally decide to begin playing with Shikamaru, and move your tongue with his causing a low moan to come from the other. As he breaks the contact with your lips he begins to kiss up and down your neck, looking for your soft spot. As you remove one hand from his hair, you slip it under his shirt, tracing his chest and abs as you delicately maneuver your hands around his sculpted body. His body shivers at the cold contact between your cold hand and his chest, his hands are now at the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head, your hands leave their position, and now move to the hem of his shirt, hey it’s not fair that you can be shirtless and he can’t, now is it? As you pull away from each other you see the lust coating his eyes, but smiles a genuine smile as he allows you to pull his shirt over his head, you manage to throw it in the same general direction of your shirt. As you pull him in for another kiss his hands glide to your upper back, and he begins his attempt to remove your bra, your hands also make a shift, but yours move to the button of Shikamaru’s pants.

“Damn this troublesome thing,” Shikamaru’s husky voice murmurs at the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver.

A smirk slowly appears on your face “Aw is genius boy having trouble with something as simple as a bra?” You coo in his ear, a growl makes it way out of his throat at the comment, and soon enough the bra is on the corner with the ever growing pile of clothes. You feel Shikamaru’s body pressed to yours as he pulls you towards the futon on the other side of the room.
As you both stumble onto the couch your lips are locked again. Your hands once again playing with the button of his pants, trapped underneath Shikamaru’s assault. Shikamaru’s lips now leave the now marked territory of your neck and moves his mouth to your right nipple. You manage to moan out a slurred version of Shikamaru’s name, while his right hand begins to knead and caress your other breast. Once you become comfortable with what Shikamaru was doing you begin to unbutton his pants again, after finally managing to unbutton them, you start to pull them down, to his ankles, and then you kick them off with your right foot.

Now, getting tired of Shikamaru’s dominance, you place your knees on either side of his hips and flip him over. A grin appears on your face as you watch Shikamaru’s eyes widen. You begin to trail butterfly kisses from Shikamaru’s jaw line to his collar bone, after finding his soft spot, you begin to leave a huge hickey for everyone to see, underneath you, you can feel Shikamaru withering and groaning under your assault, every once in a while, grinding his hips onto yours.
After tweaking and playing with Shikamaru’s nipples, your mouth goes down to his navel, as you swirl your tongue around it, leaving another hickey or two there too. You trail kisses and love bites all along the hem of his green underwear. “Cho, hurry it the hell up!” You smirk, getting the reaction you were hoping for, as you slowly begin breathing on his still clothed member. Once again squirming under your touch, you finally hook your fingers around the rim of his boxers, as you pull his boxers down to his ankles you descend your mouth to his member once more you begin blowing on it again. You then grasp it, and enclose your mouth around the head of his member, and begin sucking lightly on it.

Shikamaru’s fingers slowly slip into your hair and grasp it tightly, as you begin to suck harder; his fingers begin tying knots into your hair. With your remaining hand you grab his sac and move your hand, engulfing more of his member into the cavern of your mouth. As you begin to bob your head up and down along his member, moving faster and faster, encouraged by the moans escaping Shikamaru’s mouth, raking your teeth over his over-sensitive member you hear him give out a pained moan.

Soon, you hear a raspy voice murmur, “Cho, I’m so close.” You close your eyes, and begin to suck harder still, and push more of his member further into your mouth, holding back the want to gag. You hear Shikamaru moan the loudest ever, as he pulls your hair even harder, wincing, you feel him cum in your mouth. Its defined salty taste makes you smirk as you swallow.
As you look up at Shikamaru with the upper part of your eyes you see a distinct tint of red in his cheeks, and a light sheen of sweat covering his perfect body. Slowly, you crawl up to him in the sexiest way possible, licking your lips the entire way, tasting the cum again, you slam your lips onto his. You feel him smirk at the erotic taste of himself in your mouth. Alas, before you can even comprehend, you are once again, beneath Shikamaru’s.

“My turn now love,” his sultry voice is enough to send shivers down your spine. You moan as Shikamaru’s lips travel down the already claimed territory, as you feel him toying with your left nipple you begin to whine, he looks yup into your eyes, a smirk predominant on his face, “Uh-uh, Cho-chan its my turn,” he mutters as breath has now gone to your crotch. Your body trembles in anticipation, his tongue first enters you slowly, as your left hand grabs the sheet underneath you, while your right hand tangles in his hair, gripping both as if they are life lines. As his tongue swirls inside you, you begin to feel the pit of your stomach begin to clench and twist. Your breathing becomes more and more labored, while your chest heaves. As your stomach clenches one more time, you hear Shikamaru moan as your body tenses against your will, toes curling in pleasure.

“Oh, my, GOD, Shikamaru!” Tears of pleasure entering your eyes, your breathing is still extremely shallow, “I need you… now!”
You watch as the guy on top of you smirks “As you wish, love-” as he shifts his body to your entrance, your body trembles in anticipation and fear.
‘When the hell did he start calling me love?’ but your thoughts are cut off by Shikamaru kissing you.

As he pulls away, he looks into your eyes, compassion and love shining brighter then the lust that glazes them over, “Are you ready Cho, I don’t want to pressure into anything,” a loving smile graces his lips. You bite your lip as you nod slightly. His head slowly descends down again, capturing your lips into a kiss, as Shikamaru slowly enters you, you enter a light scream, but it’s muffled by Shikamaru’s mouth, his hands slowly wipe away the tears from the corners of your eyes. You slowly open your eyes, the pain dulled; you slowly roll your hips, letting him know its okay to move.

Shikamaru pulls out almost completely, save for the head and slams back into your, throwing his head back in the progress. “Mmm… Shikamaru, you look so hot like that,” He smirks again, while pulling out and slamming back in faster then before, setting a steady pace. Hair plastered all over your faces, “Shika!” your voice is now an octave higher, almost begging, “Faster,” As his body slams into your faster, the world seems to slow.
All you could hear was each other, all you could feel was the pleasure, and all you wanted was to stay like this forever.

You stomach began to clench again, this time the feeling was much more potent then the last time, “Shika, I’m so close!”

This statement seems to excite him, as his body shakes from the approach of his own orgasm; you feel his movements become more erratic, pleasure seeking thrusts become even more evident. “Uggh, Cho, I know, I am too,” His mouth now encloses on your shoulder, as he bites down, you let out a pained moan and your stomach clenches, causing Shikamaru to moan, you feel his semen fill you up. You both freeze, brains now overloaded form pleasure

As the both of you once again retain normal breathing patterns Shikamaru slowly pulls out of you, “I love you Shikamaru,” You say as you kiss his nose, still breathless from the recent activities.

A predominate smile now graces Shikamaru’s lips, “I love you too, love, be my girlfriend?”
As you nuzzle your neck into the crevice between Shikamaru’s neck and shoulder, “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” You smile as you feel Shikamaru pull your bed sheets over your naked bodies.

“Call me the next time you want to work on your painting,” his voice sounds like there is a smirk prevalent on his face, you roll your eyes as you curl the rest of your body against Shika’s.

“Of course, Shika-kun,” You smile;
‘I guess I could get used to this…’

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